PL Forums

PixelLand Forums


PixelLand Forums is a small side-project by PixelLand Moderator and Developer Malkist for people in PixelLand to have organized long discussions, which is not possible in current PixelLand chat.

About Malkist

Malkist is an Indonesian developer that is also a PixelLand moderator, and first started coding during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019, where he initially made a currency Discord Bot. He then took a break from programming until around mid-2022. He picked up coding again and picked up web development after getting inspiration from his friend, and started making websites in 2022. He created some PixelLand related websites such as PixelColors and PLArt.

He has been part of the PixelLand community since around late 2021, and despite not making much art, he loves the community and loves when they try to achieve big goals, like creating highways and big art pieces. This was one of his inspirations for making PixelLand Forums; so that people could organize large events and create big art pieces.

About the Website

PixelLand Forums's frontend is made using NuxtJS and uses TailwindCSS for styling/CSS. The text editors for editing your bio and creating posts is possible thanks to the Tiptap editor framework.

The backend is made using Express, with PostgreSQL as the database along with Prisma as the ORM.

The website was also beta tested by some community members. A big thank you goes to those members for their help finding bugs that Malkist was too stupid to find.

Where do I start?

Start using PixelColors by making an account, or logging in if you already have one. Then, create a post, or browse through other posts and interact with the posts by liking or commenting.
